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Source code / Software Intellectual Property is not an asset, it is a serious liability for your business.

1) You have to protect your source code against theft and sabotage, be very careful about who you hire to work on your software. The more hands touch it, the more exposed it is.

2) If you don’t upkeep your source code, it will lose value over time as technology keeps on evolving. Your software starts as a blessing, and becomes a liability over time.

3) You have to stay up to date on the latest cybersecurity threats. One day your software is safe, and the next day your software is vulnerable and systems can be infiltrated.

4) Technical debt adds up quickly, software is not “set and forget”. Operating systems continue changing, your software needs to change too.

Do not venture into source code or in-house programming unless you have a solid pipeline, and these take years to build, trials and errors, and have high monetary and time costs.

Software pipelines cost in human capital, knowledge maintenance, software maintenance, and is an entire ball game of its own.

Unless your plans is to become a software studio yourself, and concentrate your expertise there, do not try to run your own software pipeline.

Instead, use some of the following:

– Low code / No code solutions – Create your own LCNC software that might capture your needs, lots of customer time required, has limitations
– SAP, SalesForce, Oracle, or other similar off-the-shelve products that require configurations – These work great, but are expensive
– Work with a software studio – These are great as well, offer a fully managed approach, you can negotiate a good deal, has maximum flexibility, minimum limitations

Working with Systems MW for your cloud software development is part of the 3rd category.

Systems MW will create a cloud software solution that you will surely like, that will be affordable, that your stakeholders will love using every day, it will have very competitive pricing, high quality, and much more. There are many tangible reasons to work with Systems MW instead of competitors.

Changes to the system will be done quickly with Systems MW, and without hassle.

Also, there is no vendor lock-in with Systems MW or contracts to sign, which keeps Systems MW on its toes every month to continuously provide maximum value added to the client.

Do you want to learn more? Ask me anything!